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ABI’s Guide to a Bonfire Night at home

The usual crowded firework spectacles may be cancelled this year but that doesn’t mean you can’t create an evening to remember. It is the perfect opportunity to spend a cosy evening at your ABI (or home), cooking some delicious Bonfire Night staples.

Here’s our top 3 recipes for a sparktacular Bonfire Night feast:


A Guy Fawkes Night tradition: Parkin 

What would Bonfire Night be without a tasty slice of homemade Parkin? Tradition of the North, Parkin is a staple of Bonfire Night across Yorkshire and Lancashire. With its heart-warming flavour of ginger, it is the perfect recipe for cold, wet November nights on the sofa at your ABI.

Ready, steady, bake!

What you’ll need:

  • 200g butter
  • 1 large egg
  • 4 tbsp milk
  • 200g golden syrup
  • 85g treacle
  • 85g light soft brown sugar
  • 100g medium oatmeal
  • 250g self-raising flour
  • 1 tbsp ground ginger

You can find the full recipe on the BBC Good Food website.



A comforting classic with a twist: Sticky bangers and mash 

A classic British recipe, bangers and mash is a family favourite for cold winter days – particularly after a long day of exploring at your ABI. Easy and ready under 30 minutes, this sticky onion recipe will delight old and young alike!

All you need to do is fry sausages, prepare creamy mash potatoes with a dash of Worcester sauce and a cascade of onion gravy.

The secret for an extra sticky onion gravy? Gently fry the onions so they release their natural sugars, which gives sticky softened onions their characteristic flavour. Add a teaspoon of sugar to speed up the process.

Find the full recipe on the BBC Good Food website.



An all-time favourite: Toffee Apple 

Nothing beats the crunch and sweetness of a homemade toffee apple on a crisp Bonfire Night. As easy as 1,2,3, this 4-ingredient recipe is ideal to get creative with your little ones in the kitchen. Dip some delicious, seasonal apples in homemade ‘hard crack’ caramel and taddaaa, they’re ready!

Fancy something a bit different? Make your classic toffee apples extra special this Bonfire Night by coating them with nuts, dry fruits, sweets, sprinkles, sherbet, and other treats.

As usual, you can find the full recipe on the BBC Good Food website.



So, which recipe will you go for?

We hope we have given you some Bonfire Night inspiration. We would love to see how you spend your evening so make sure to tag us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram!


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